
this article is in the process (01/05/2023) of publication and finishing, please understand.

Since our jammer is actually not a typical "jammer" of the signal and is a device with a significantly weaker signal than the gate, and the fabric is required only to reduce the signal strength, and not completely block it ... There is a completely solvable problem with tags like

" 3alarm", which can respond with a loud beep if they "hear" the gate signal.

How it works?
- only a sensor-coil (AM or RF) with a ferrite core is built inside, always connected to the electronics, which is powered by a battery or from a built-in accumulator.
- the electronics constantly analyzes the signal that comes to this tag(antenna) and in the case when we pass between the gates or very close to them, the analysis program sees a signal similar to the signal periods of the anti-theft system (gates), an "alarm" occurs in this tag with audio speaker and LED.


on the example of tags from Alpha security:


The most common tags like "3alarm" are made by Alpha Security, they have "3alarm" written on them and it's very easy to identify.
But other brands usually do not additionally label tags with this option. 

In total, there are 2 options for tags with a button under the wide cap of the fixing needle:
- the "3alarm" system is deactivated after opening the tag.
- the "3alarm" system does NOT turn off after opening the tag.

In total there are 2 options for tags with or without cable:
- the "3alarm" system is deactivated after opening the tag.
- the "3alarm" system does NOT turn off after opening the tag.

In total, there is 1 option for SPIDER type tags:
- the "3alarm" system does NOT turn off after opening the tag.

Some additional information from the old text template:

alarm = regular anti-theft tag:
1. the presence of an anti-theft tag;
2. There is no cable cut protection, wires are only for physically attaching the tag to the product.

 2alarm = the anti-theft tag can be taken out into the fabric if the gate is RF or under the jammers if the gate is AM or RF:
1. the presence of an anti-theft tag;
2. electronic protection against cutting the cable, when the cable is cut, the sensor will react with an audible alarm.

 3alarm = 
1. the presence of an anti-theft tag;
2. protection against cutting the cable;
3. the ability of the sensor to respond to the radiation of the gate, the tag will respond to the gate with its own sound alarm built into the sensor, just like when the cable is cut. 

In summary: neither the jammers nor the fabric protect against this, and the tag will react with an audible alarm, since the analysis system is configured to receive a signal from the gate, and no matter how much we would like, the gate is always more powerful than the jammers and the properties of the fabric, which violates the response tag, and the ability to receive a signal without interference.

Problem solution:
- in case of tags from "Alpha security" company, it is necessary to deactivate the sensor in a regular way, take a special puller and open the spider. In an inactive form, the tag protection system from the company "Alpha security" from being carried through the anti-theft gate does not work;
- some 3alarm tags from CENTURY also deactivate the option after you open the tag;  
- 4alarm tags from WG work approximately the same way in which there is an additional option to protect against opening the tag, we will consider these tags in another article;
- in the case of tags from other manufacturers, there may be other design variations, but basically the 3alarm system is always active there.

***Here I had to continue about what other ways can help overcome the problem of this type of protection, BUT YET LACK OF TIME and zero response to the publication do not motivate me to do this fully.


Based on the fact that it is not always possible to determine the presence of such an option by the appearance of the tag from the usual ones, and also so that you have the opportunity to check the type of modification of this system, we came up with an option to check the tags for the presence of "3alarm" using an additional option in our jammers:

- AM, RF or 2in1  jammers manufactured after 09/02/2022 have the function:
"GATE SIGNAL SIMULATION" to test tags for "3alarm" protection systems.

It is possible to activate the mode ONLY in the unlocked, but switched off state "standby mode".

- hold the button for 3 to 6 seconds, release the button and if the action is successful, the device will vibrate 1 time per second ...
- bring the device to the anti-theft tag that you would like to check and if this tag has a gate signal "3alarm", the sensor activates the alarm in the same way as if you brought this tag to the gate!

to turn OFF and return to "standby mode" ANY button press is enough!



In the case of using a jammer, if the tag does not respond to the "simulated gate" after opening or does not respond even if it is still in the closed state, you can safely pass through a properly locked gate.

There is also a small chance that the EAS signal will not be able to activate the tag with the "3alarm" option due to the fact that the signal does not look like a typical signal (or is too weak), this sometimes happens due to the fact that gate manufacturers do not are guided by the existence of 3alarm tags in the development process, and first of all optimize other processes related to the detection of sensors, and not to provoke 3alarm tags.


As for the use of shielding fabrics:
- the fabric is not any obstacle to receiving a signal from the gate to the coil built into the 3alarm tag, but the fabric prevents the correct response of the tag (its power) towards the gate, therefore the fabric is also not a universal solution to this problem in the case of RF type systems.
!!! but... it also happens that the gate does not work in compatibility with this technology or is turned on at minimum power!