
New clients might have a poor understanding of modes in general and why we need them. I am writing this text in the hope that each reader will take heed of it.


There’s going to be a lot of repetitions in this text as I have already posted similar information in the instructions or on the page:
‘The History of Development of Jammers’


A long time ago, about 30 years ago, there appeared two companies in America that started to produce anti-theft systems. They included:

1. EAS gates at the entrance to the store;

2. Hard tags that are attached to the item;

3. Soft sticker tags that are deactivated at the checkout.


And they started to do it so differently that there was not even a patent war. You see visually almost the same thing, but in fact, it is technically incredibly different. These two companies are Sensormatic and Checkpoint. Sensormatic invented AM technology with a basic frequency of 58 kHz; Checkpoint invented RF technology with a basic frequency of 8.2MHz.


These two companies captured almost all world market where it was necessary to install such systems. After a while competitors appeared. By that time, it was no longer necessary to invent tags, labels, or stickers. Competitors had to make gates only WITHOUT INFRINGING A HUGE NUMBER OF PATENTS of these two companies. It was not difficult, and since the 2000s, a lot of competitors have appeared: GateWay, NEDAP, CrossPoint, Catalyst, MTC, Amersec, Lucatron and about a dozen more. And if you multiply by the number of models of all manufacturers, you will get no more than 100-120. I’ve seen user’s pictures of anti-theft devices from different countries. And this number is very little taking into account that there is no such country in which I’ve noted the simultaneous usage of ALL MODELS OF ALL MANUFACTURERS. In reality, about 40- 50 models are used, and in some countries even less.


Do you think they just copied Sensormatic and Checkpoint technologies?

NO! Read ATTENTIVELY the following:

- they did the same thing without infringing their patents. They did the same thing in an absolutely DIFFERENT way, but everything looked the same.

Different signal processing algorithms, different signals, but with the same frequency, different interference filters, more stable and economical technologies, and SO ON!



Can a gasoline engine run on diesel or sunflower oil?

Can you use a truck tire for a passenger car?

Will you try to fill the engine with windshield washer fluid?

Will you try to loosen nuts with a hammer?


The same things happen in the world I’ve created. The logic of Checkpoint algorithms is most vulnerable for mode 2, at the same time it is completely useless for CrossPoint, and CrossPoint algorithms are useless for some Lucatron models.


You cannot create a single key for all systems at once. Each system is the result of work of DIFFERENT inventors, programmers, and engineers. No, they didn’t design these systems to be jam-proof, this is the very last problem they thought about when creating and developing their systems.


BUT!!! Most systems are vulnerable to modes 1 and 2, but you are the owners of high technology products. You have to become a little smarter. I will continue with a small insert from the instructions.


As a result, we have a certain collection of various anti-theft systems of ONLY TWO TYPES! AM and RF! I know people who have handled this from scratch really fast and no worse than I did once myself. This is no more difficult than to tell BMW from AUDI or OPEL by body, logo or headlights. In addition, there are almost monopolists in the anti-theft systems market! In AM systems, Sensormatic occupies the most of the market and Checkpoint, NEDAP, Gateway run in RF systems. There are no more of them than car manufacturers and they are ALL DIFFERENT.


Each gate manufacturer has its own specific design, its own features, and so on. Each of these manufacturers has a different line of models, and this is AGAIN as easy as telling the Q7 from the A5. The gate is actually much easier! For better understanding, I have prepared all the photo shames for all gates of ALL RF AND AM systems. And when you tell me that the gate is hidden behind an advertisement, I will ask you the following: what about the gate lamps? In most cases they are not hidden, if the gate is hidden behind the fabric, it is easy to identify them by their shape. If only the top or bottom is visible, then this also gives a quick opportunity to clarify. If you are shown just a HEADLIGHT, a bumper, a body part, can you tell the headlight of a Mercedes from a BMW, or a googled-eyed from a Maybach? It’s easy, incredibly easy. It is no more difficult with the gates! Even little children are able to tell the differences in cars!


Especially for you, I’ve collected photos of all the most basic door models by manufacturer, and sometimes by model, PAY ATTENTION TO DETAILS! You will see they are ALL DIFFERENT:


Albums of RF anti-theft systems:



Albums of AM anti-theft systems:



The instructions contain the recommended modes that correspond to MANUFACTURERS or models. Pay attention to the next-to-last section of INSTRUCTIONS on jammers, which are only nominally instructions. The instruction is not just a text for reading, but a textbook, a collection of a huge amount of knowledge and experience in use. There are all the answers to almost all questions. It was created in order to provide you with all the necessary knowledge about the management and practical application of this modern equipment.

Do not be afraid of it, it is written in the most accessible and simple human language just for better understanding.


Again let’s have the same analogy with cars. You have a normal car with a lot of frills. However, until you start studying instructions, you are like a child who sees the PICTURE and knows nothing about pedals, rules, steering wheel, and danger. You can open the door (that is to unblock the jammer), sit down and then kill yourself at the first pillar, or go nowhere at all. You know neither theory nor practice.




I’d already had more than 6 years of sales experience of jammers when in 2018 I decided to do the following thing. I spent two months of my life to save my time in the future. I was collecting all the questions about jammers that I’d ever received, and made up more questions. Then I collected my best answers from all the correspondence and improved them again and again. All this turned into a huge pile of multidirectional and often unrelated questions and answers. Then I subdivided it into categories, topics, characteristics. It turned out to be several sections. Then I removed the QUESTIONS and a miracle happened! I saw that it could be properly systemized, ‘the piles of answers without questions’ turned into chapters, and the questions themselves turned into subsections and points.


As a result, you get a kind of instruction, but in fact, this is KNOWLEDGE ABOUT JAMMERS IN THE HIGHEST CONCENTRATION. You will not be able to understand some points at once just for one reason - you haven’t had this question yet. However, in order to start using a jammer or even after its long-term use you only need to read the entire instruction again and you will certainly find something new.

* Specification: in the instructions, I often belittled the characteristics and user features of jammers in order to prevent the creation of INFLATED expectations. Do not be surprised by this.


But the more information I created, the more I had to EXPLAIN IT. Some of those, who were even too lazy to read, began to hammer me with questions, the answers to which were already in the instructions. I just copied the answers from there, it seemed convenient, but lack of desire for self-study does irritate.


And at the end of 2019, I was broken and made several very complex videos about the jammer control system (well, there are these different clicks, only 7 of them).

And what did I get?



As a result, I created it perfectly in text form, I created a video, and I created subtitles for the video so that people in any language could understand them (the automatic translation of subtitles on YouTube is excellent).


What else should I have done? I am writing this on November 21, 2020. This is my last attempt in text form to ask you to DEVELOP at least a little. I'm sorry, I’ve checked ... Children aged 12-14 can easily understand all this. They just know how to LEARN SOMETHING NEW.


I continue to explain and justify myself on the MODES topic:


History of AM


The first jammers worked on the basic principle of completely filling the 58 kHz frequency with noise, which became known as Mode #1 in the AM jammer. However, we made some VERY IMPORTANT modifications to it.

This mode is capable of jamming most of the old AM gate models and some of the newer ones whose developers didn't focus much on protection or noise cancellation systems. (According to extensive tests as of 2021, it is very effective for most Sensormatic UltraExit with standard settings and DetexLine Magnum systems.)

Why did we introduce other modes?
1. This method caused some models to freeze and emit a continuous sound due to the jamming.
2. In an attempt to adapt to the noise, the gates began to produce audible reactions, which were undesirable.
3. The gates could freeze in a way that nothing but unplugging them would help.

All these issues drew attention when we visited the same store frequently.

There were few such cases, and we tolerated this problem until around 2012, which led to the development of Mode #2.

At that time, we called it "SMART" because it mathematically dealt with issues such as freezing and unwanted reactions from Sensormatic models, from the oldest to the UltraExit with a metal detector.

By 2014, a new model of UltraExit with an iron base pedestal was released, which had different features and options, and our mode was no longer as effective with them. As a result, Mode #3 was introduced. However, this even more precise mode was too weak for old systems and sometimes the jamming simply didn't happen... We faced a dilemma, to remind you:
At that time, jammers were just a simple box with a switch, and multi-mode functionality wasn't required; the first mode was replaced by the second in the black box.


We began experimenting and by 2015 had developed a two-mode system, and by early 2016 an eight-mode system with the goal of testing our hypotheses.
I won't go into detail about the eight-mode version; those were transitional experiments.

One of those eight modes eventually became Mode #4, as during that period, it overcame the protective AM technology of CrossPoint, which, having emerged in 2014, created an impenetrable defense against jammers.

We had 4 modes then and we couldn’t exclude them by no means. WHAT SHOULD WE HAVE DONE? Try to understand, we couldn’t do anything else, just write all this. That's all. As you can see, in the current version we’ve arranged the modes in chronological order for solving the emerging PROBLEMS. 

The year 2018 brought us even more accurate knowledge. Using the new mode, we won a considerable problem with the Russian Magnum gates from DetexLine. At the same time, this mode became a better solution for UltraExit. We decided not to delete the previous mode No.3, but to leave it in its place, since it is quite applicable in other countries. Use the modes 1, 5, 8 and 9 for DetexLine Magnum.


In the same year, we began to solve the problem of the newest AM gates from the Sensormatic company - the Synergy model. Mode No. 6 was created as a partial solution. It was not yet ideal, but already functioning with less restriction. In addition, at the end of summer 2020, we made 3 more special modes for Synergy No.7,8, and 9. Why three at once? Sensormatic tried their best. These gates are very technological. I’ll not go into details, but at the first, they were declared as invincible for jammers. Having done lots of testing in different regions of the planet, mode No.7 showed the best results, as we’d expected. However, No. 8 and 9 often helps when 7 causes remote reactions.

This is an additional duplicate answer to the question "why are there 4 modes for Synegry?"
- first you need to know that the original mode 6 did not give a full-fledged victory, only partially solving the problem that Sensormatic aggravated with the firmware from 2018. In some places, mode 6 was definitely effective in comparison with modes 1-5, but not everywhere.
As a result, having accumulated knowledge, experience and information about the operation of these systems and new firmware that constantly changes the signal analysis algorithms (changes very quickly), we arrived in Moscow where the maximum number of such systems was and began to win again. As a result, about 5 different methods appeared, which so far also recently have a single result at once for all Synergy.
We added the top 3 to the list, these are 7,8,9. According to statistics, the 7th gave the result in more places, in the rest the modes 8,9 helped.
The 6th mode was left for those who are already used to using it in those places where it is effective.

So if you see Synergy:
1. enable mode 1 and walk close to the entrance (??? - yes, it works where there are no special settings), if a remote gate reaction occurs:
2. Turn on the mode number 7 and again walk alongside, if there is no sound, enter the store with AM anti-theft tags.
3. If reactions occur, try mode 8,9.

My personal wish for all users to treat this situation with understanding, Sensormatic has created an almost perfect system that even partially seemed like an incredible task to defeat. Perhaps someday we will find a better solution, but we cannot promise that.

The details of AM modes will be here, I do not create a separate page for this intentionally, so that all information is accurately read:

modes for smart AM jammer v.18/2021
mode 1  =  1 short vibration - default for all AM
mode 2  =  2 short vibration - Sensormatic smart v.2012
mode 3  =  3 short vibration - Sensormatic UltraExit  v.2018
mode 4  =  4 short vibration - CrossPoint v.2019
mode 5  =  1 LONG vibration - Sensormatic UltraExit  v.2020
mode 6  =  2 LONG vibration - Synergy 1
mode 7  =  3 LONG vibration - Synergy 2
mode 8  =  4 LONG vibration - Synergy 3
mode 9  =  5 LONG vibration - Synergy 4
mode 10  = 6 LONG vibration - Dexilon + Synergy 

At this point, I must answer one of the most popular questions:
"Is it possible to apply the modes intended for modern gates to older models?"
- Yes, undoubtedly it is possible, and it is often effective.
BUT!!! make a decision on your own using the fact that an accurate electronic screwdriver (modes 5-9) cannot always replace the cudgel of a primitive man, which are modes 1 and 2. For most Sensormatic older models, mode number 5 is suitable, but mode number 2 is still more statistically effective.
Some of the older models may cause you problems because of their power, which has been reduced in favor of accuracy and lower energy consumption due to improved user characteristics of the new doors, such as I repeat: lower energy costs, more options, more stable resistance to interference using software filtering


ALL THIS ALLOWS PRESERVING THE EFFICIENCY OF USE OF JAMMERS AT THE LEVEL OF 15 YEARS. Now it is difficult for you to understand this, but the world has become incredibly complicated. But for many years of work of my team, you would be in danger of using only mode No.1 with 6 times lower power and without some of the minor modifications that we’ve implemented in the course of hundreds and hundreds of crazy experiments in this basic mode. No one would have believed in the efficiency of AM technology jammers.


There are MANY INSTRUCTIONS for you to understand that you won’t succeed if you don't start learning to distinguish an old Opel from a brand new Cruiser.


Let's continue reading about the development of RF jammers and specifics of the modes. I promise it’ll be a little easier.


At the very beginning, before the public sales of RF jammers, we also had one mode for all RF systems. It remained in its place - this is mode No.1. Its capabilities are a violation of the analysis logic of NEDAP, CheckPoint, Amersec, CrossPoint and many other systems since the principle of operation simply destroys the basic logic.

+ gates are assembled from chrome pipes.


The main manufacturer of RF systems Checkpoint is still vulnerable to mode No.2.


At position 3 is the old mode from ancient jammers not of my production. It is ineffective, but it is sometimes suitable as an option to expand the possibilities for solving the problems of various Russian-Chinese shit-sticks (used only in the CIS). But I hear less and less about its use. It seems necessary to remove this relic of the past, but it is a kind of a pity.


In 2018, we faced the problem of Russian DetexLine gates and European GateWay of the latest models. The solution for them was No.4 (initially No. 2).


No. 5 is another mode that we had to create due to the appearance in Russia of very complex gates with metal detectors produced by the company that ‘bought boards in China, put some plastic and here it is’. This is a kind of a Blue Stripe gate (used only in the CIS). The mode, codenamed Magic, also works with a part of the GateWay and DetexLine systems and many others, but is not the main solution for all systems. It is NOT compatible with NEDAP, CheckPoint, and CrossPoint.


In 2019, we went to Moscow once again to try to solve problems with Russian systems with built-in MD. Mode No.6 was created for “4bolt” systems; this code name was assigned due to the unique attachment to the floor surface. It is very different from all the others.


The fall of 2020 brought us a solution to problems with non-standard NEDAP systems in the Sportmaster and Detsky Mir stores. At the moment this is mode No. 7. It might be applicable to other systems, but it hasn’t been tested yet.


And in the process of solving this problem, we created the most ideal mathematical mode for all NEDAP systems, which, as it turned out, have an active noise adaptation setting. Now we recommend only mode No.8 for NEDAP.


Therefore, everything is the same in RF. Everything is explicable. Everything is simple. We solve emerging problems and create new modes only if NECESSARY.

Updated list of modes for RF jammer v.6 from March 2021 to the end of May 2023:

Updated list of modes for RF jammer v.7 from June 2023 to the present here:

What happened and why did we make more modes again?)))
- In June 2023, we developed 3 new modes and installed them in positions 5,6,8, for the reasons specified in the link..



WHAT ARE THE MODES? The technical part.

"А jammer" is not a magic wand that creates a fabulous field and jams something. " A jammer" is not a jammer at all, but a generator of various signals to deceive the logic of the gate...


At the dawn of the first gate jammers, it really looked like a uniform noise at a frequency equal to the gate frequency, and when gate manufacturers began to develop non-analog gates with software processing of the incoming signal, the era of dull jammers ended. Here we recall the very beginning of my appearance in the history of the development of jammers of anti-theft systems.


So what does the jammer do and how does it all work in practice? - In fact, modern gates do not stop seeing the tag. They even see a "jammer" signal, but in order to make an "alarm" decision, the program needs very clear parameters and repeatedly confirmed data that this is the tag to reduce the probability of false alarms.


What does a jammer do? It introduces errors in calculations preventing the gate from making the right decision and if a compatible activity mode is selected when passing between the gate with tags and the "jammer", the gate will not produce any reaction, since they will be in the state of choosing an action!

BUT!!! If the algorithms for introducing errors are not correct (incompatible), the gate may react completely incorrectly from the expected result: it does not jam at all, causes remote reactions, freezes up and reboots with sound after we have passed through them.

What can we (YOU) do? Remember the recommended modes for certain gate models taking into account that the gate reception settings may differ even for the same frame model, and even the filling inside the seemingly identical gate may also differ (but not so critical anyway, no one sets the engine from the truck to the plane).


At this point, many of you had a question:
And what is the problem of reading the gate signal and to respond to them with our signal properly adapted?
- after scratching my head(I start and slow down here...), almost all gates emit the same signals, and the whole point is inside the processor in the hardware-software environment in which ANALYSIS of RESPONSES to the signal takes place, and depending on the difference in the analysis programs there are different results. And different programmers write different programs, different companies use different methods and different hardware, which has different filters and a lot of different things, which will never allow you to say from the exterior view of the gate "what exactly is inside". Just as it is impossible to find out from the appearance of a private house what files are inside the computer, which is located in one of the rooms of this house, it is very similar.


When you know the approximate parameters of using the regimes after your training exits over some time, you will understand this all is so slight that the feeling of mastery of the situation at some point will pay off all your efforts on your self-development.




Recommendations at the beginning of your first experience, when you see something strange and unknown and can’t determine it by albums in any way:


Testing methods for AM and RF systems are different.


AM systems can react remotely to incompatible modes.

RF systems react in extreme cases to incompatible modes.


Therefore, in most cases you can check an AM system for compatibility simply by walking past the gate or simply standing 1-2 meters from the gate. If there are no sound reactions after these actions, you can enter the store and, preferably, leave. Only then, you decide on active actions.


It is almost impossible to test an RF system without entering a store, and it is desirable to have tags. You can also go to the store and, preferably, leave. Only then, you decide on active actions.


Instructions for the first tests to the jammer:



- check the charge level of the device;

- unblock the jammer or both jammers;

- approaching the item of interest you do not need to rush. First you have to determine whether it is an AM or RF system.


Based on the photographs you have viewed, you can attempt to identify the model of this system by paying attention to the shapes, lights, and sizes. Whether slightly earlier or later, have no doubt that you will eventually learn these 50 gate models from various manufacturers.


Determine the type and model, turn on one of the recommended modes and enter the store. After walking 4-5 meters, exit the store. If there are no sound reactions and you are sure that you have identified the TYPE of the gate correctly (AM or RF), you can act.

BUT! I’ve got experience of consulting hundreds of users.  I do recommend walking a dozen similar places and only then start real actions.




If you see a completely NONAME system, ‘a typical smooth white board’ or a gate that is 100% closed with a VOLUME advertising (no holes for lamps, a top is closed):


Prompt! You can slightly lift the phone to take a photo of the top of the gate for low gates or just look in the top for high ones. Believe me, no one will understand what you are doing, even if they notice it. Take pictures as if you are making photos of the store.


1. Pay attention to the location of lamps;

2. Check labels;

3. Determine the system TYPE by tags or stickers;

4. Select an activity mode that will not trigger remote reactions from the gates, starting with the first mode. If the gates do not respond to the first mode, you can use it;

5. Enter and exit the store with tags while the jammer is activated.


If you cannot promptly identify a compatible mode using this method, send the photograph to ME, and I am always available. If I am not asleep at the moment, you will receive a response either immediately or within 10 minutes.


If you initially struggle to independently determine compatible modes, I will assist you, but first, try to imagine the situation where everyone would write to me with the slightest issue? I would not be able to keep up with anything. I ask for your understanding; this is why all these tons of text, videos, and photo materials are written. However, I will never refuse your request if you come to me with a photograph and a description of what you managed to achieve during the initial tests.


If you do not have AM and RF tags and you have nothing to check the real performance of the jammer, there is the simplest way:

- go to the store, remove the HARD tag you need (not a sticker), place it in a sock or in your shoes if you do not have socks, and calmly walk out of the store.

If the gate system works out and an alarm occurs, be calm and relaxed. Make one step away from the gate, lift your foot towards the gate and the alarm will occur again. You say, ‘This must be my shoe. I’ve just bought a new pair of shoes’ and walk away easily without any suspicion. NOBODY WILL ASK YOU TO REMOVE SHOES OR CHECK IT. Now you know this simplest way to get any number of tags you need.


Finally, I want to answer the most common primary question (before creating this information) for novice users:
- which mode is the main one so that I don't have to choose, but just turn it on and go?

In seconds when I hear or see such a question, a nuclear charge explodes inside me... But every time I find my inner strength to calmly answer:
1. in the basic 2in1 jammer (sales will be resumed in 2021) which does not have a choice of modes, and is sold for special users who will never be able to read this text, as the main jamming modes are used for AM mode No. 1, for RF mode No. 1. The choice was made on the basis that these modes provide a statistically greater coverage.
2. in this case, you significantly increase the risks and reduce your own efficiency, since the chances of false activation of the gate becomes much greater.
3. you limit yourself in future development. yes, of course you can use only these modes in multi-mode devices, but but...


defeat doubts that it is difficult, just do not rush and in any difficult situation of choice come to me.