
Links for return:

https://bombastershop.com/info/start - main page
https://bombastershop.com/info/amfaq12 - AM instruction
https://bombastershop.com/info/rffaq4 - RF instruction

If, when you try to turn on or unlock the device, you feel a long, fading vibration, this is an indicator that the battery charge is too low to operate the device in “jamming” mode. You just need to charge the jammer.

attention! The devices are sent to you in a blocked state, to avoid accidental activation during delivery. 

!!! The blocking is not a method for switching the device on/off and is only necessary for safety in case of critical situations !!!

This page contains everything related to charging jammers disguised as a power bank or other devices with a built-in battery.

Charging the device:
- use only high-quality AC chargers (from a socket) and high-quality connection cables.
- charging is done through a MicroUSB or TypeC port.
- if the device is charging, the LEDs blink or the digital indication gradually changes.
- if the PowerBank does not respond to any clicks, the built-in LEDs (or screen digits) are not activated if the built-in battery is discharged below the critical level, then the PowerBank electronics require some time to charge the battery to a minimum level, this can take from a few minutes to one hour.
- when the battery is fully charged, all blinking of the LEDs and digits stop, we recommend disconnecting the PowerBank from the charger and reconnecting it after a few minutes, as the charge may be miscalculated the first time after prolonged charging.

- not all housings of portable charging devices (power banks) have high-quality built-in electronics for accurate indication (determination) of the charge level of the built-in battery, so the jammer additionally analyzes the state of the battery and informs you about this state even more accurately through vibration, further protecting you from risks.
- the LED charge indication of the PowerBank (digital, dots, numbers) is not interconnected with the "jammer" device, and the presence or absence of LED indication of the PowerBank charge at the moment will not give you any information about the operation of the "jammer" device. All information about the jammer operation is transmitted only through "vibration responses".

Using a PowerBank with a built-in AM, RF or 2in1 jammer to charge other devices:
- remember, the fewer charge-discharge cycles you make, the longer your battery will last.
- the main purpose of the device you hold in your hands is not related to charging other devices, this function is preserved only for cases of checking your device for suspicions about the purpose of the PowerBank, if it performs the functions of a PowerBank, then it will be returned to you without extra suspicion!
- the real capacity of the built-in battery is 2600mAh, instead of the real 8000-10000mAh for this PowerBank, because the jammer usually takes up space equal to two out of the three built-in batteries.
- some gadgets (phones, tablets, players) do not always automatically start consuming energy after connecting the wire, in this case, you need to click the PowerBank button and the gadget charging process will start.


⚠️VERY IMPORTANT ➡️ Regular full charging is the key to the longevity of the device ⚠️

Even if the powerbank is not actively used, it is recommended to fully charge it at least once a month. This is because the built-in circuit constantly monitors the power button, resulting in a small but constant power consumption. Therefore, if you do not charge the powerbank regularly, over time the battery may become so discharged that the device will no longer turn on. To prevent this and extend the life of the powerbank, set aside time to fully charge it at least once a month. This will help keep your device's battery ready for immediate use and in optimal condition.




Charging a PowerBank from a PowerBank, here are the two main risks associated with this process:
1. current instability when deeply discharged:
- when the power bank being charged is in a state of deep discharge, its power management system may have difficulty determining the optimal charging current. In turn, the charging power bank may start supplying unstable current, which can affect the electronics in both devices and lead to their failure.
2. risk of overloads at low charge:
- if the power bank supplying power is close to full discharge, it may try to transfer more power than its current charge allows. As a result, the power bank being charged may begin to receive unstable current. This can also lead to overloading the electronic systems of both devices, causing them to break down or shorten their service life.


It is permissible to charge the PowerBank while the jammer is active, but not recommended, since:
- the active signal radiation of the jammers can affect the electronic components of the PowerBank board and something may go wrong and subsequently you will not be able to charge your device. We have tested this and there were no problems when using high-quality chargers and tested connection cables.
- in this case, the PowerBank electronics may incorrectly determine the battery charge level, since the jammer is connected to it directly, thereby creating an additional load on the sometimes unreliable Chinese electronics of the PowerBank itself, and not the jammer!

Charging a power bank in a car is not prohibited (I AM AGAINST), but there are several factors that can make it less efficient or potentially dangerous:
1. unstable voltage:
- the car's electrical system is powered by a generator that is not always serviceable or the power stabilization system is not always fully effective, so the built-in or additional charger may damage the microchip in the power bank that controls the battery charging process due to voltage surges. Power banks are usually designed with economy in mind, and surge protection may not be top notch. If the microchip is damaged, it can become a conductor, creating a path from the positive to the negative pole of the power bank battery. This can lead to a short circuit, which will cause overheating and may even lead to ignition. This risk is especially great if the power bank is left charging in a car unattended.
2. temperature:
- it can get very hot in a car, especially if parked in the sun. Extreme temperatures can adversely affect batteries and lead to rapid wear or even explosion.
To protect electronics from moisture, we use a compound that becomes viscous at temperatures above 100 degrees, and if you leave the power bank in the sun inside the car, we are not responsible for the safe further use of our device, since components or wires inside may shift!
3. power consumption:
- charging the power bank can lead to excessive consumption of the car battery energy, especially if the car is off. This can leave you with a dead car battery, which will cause problems trying to start the car.

In case you received a 2in1 jammer and when you press any of the buttons on the screen nothing lights up, it's blank and there are no reactions.
But when you connect the charger, the screen immediately shows 75-100% charge.... 

- due to the charge level below 3.3 volts, the PowerBank electronics cannot start charging the battery, because it cannot determine its charge level !!!

How to charge a deeply discharged device:
1. connect the charger (wire);
2. start HOLDING the buttons, preferably both at the same time, you can take breaks so your fingers can rest;
3. hold for 5-15 minutes until the numbers start showing 25%;
4. at some point you will feel vibration;
5. leave it charging up to 100% for a few hours.

- a
s a result of prolonged non-use or improper transportation, the built-in battery may be deeply discharged!
- the jammer inside is connected to the buttons, which through our processor is connected to the batteries and when we hold the button pressed, the current through these wires reaches the battery BYPASSING the power bank electronics. 

therefore, in order to add a little energy directly from the charger, YOU NEED TO HOLD THE BUTTONS PRESSED FOR A LONG TIME, but you can interrupt the presses if your fingers are tired, it is not critical.
!!! do not press the buttons too hard, this will not speed up the process, but will damage the buttons !!!

In most cases, after reaching the minimum charge level, you will see that the charge level on the power bank display dropped to 25 and after that the battery will start charging on its own without holding the buttons pressed!

full video instruction about this: https://youtu.be/JqyzMt8U55A


I recommend that everyone purchase a USB charge tester for precise control of the charging process itself.  
This is a small device with two USB Type-A connectors and a display that shows current and voltage readings during charging. 

Why do you need it?
to be sure that the device is definitely charging, since blinking indicators are not always indicative and this is the most accurate method for identifying cases where charging is slow or intermittent:
- using a low quality or incompatible charger;
- old or "weak" wires;
- fatigue of connectors and connections.

Often this can be fixed by wiggling the cable where it connects to the power bank or charger, but without a tester you won't see if anything has changed. 

A tester is the most convenient way to quickly identify a problem and fix it. I definitely recommend getting one, it's inexpensive. You will always be sure that the wire and charging are working reliably and you won't waste extra time waiting for the power bank to fully charge. 

Brief instructions:
- insert the charger into the socket;
- connect the USB to your charger;
- insert the cable and connect the powerbank.

If the tester screen shows a current of less than 1A, there is likely some problem. Here's how to identify it:
- try wiggling the connection points to improve contact, and if the AMPERE figures change drastically, it is likely a cable replacement will help.

If the screen shows only Volts and the amount of AMPERES is from 0 to 0.10, in this case
- the powerbank is not accepting energy, as the battery is deeply discharged or failed;
- the power bank electronics are faulty.

Full video instruction about this: https://youtu.be/PlCx352qfYs