
FAQ ver.20 AM type smart jammer (update 20/05/2024)


We recommend You to read this guide carefully and observe the safety, operation and maintenance instructions of the device “AM smart Jammer”.


This guidance contains information based on specifications available at the time of issue of the guide (20/07/2019).
Specifications can be changed without a notice as we are constantly striving to improve the quality of our devices.



II. The Purpose of The Device

III. Concepts and Terminology

IV. AM Jammer Control System


1. Configuration

2. Operating Time

3. Amplitude

4. Operating Life


1. Device Charging

2. Vibration intensity adjustment

3. Personal Safety

4. Not Recommended(undesirable actions)

5. Rules for Long-Term Keeping Without Use

6. Example of Using the AM Jammer

VII. Additional Information about Using AM Jammers


IV. Example of first use


Take this instruction as a set of answers to all your questions, since the creation process began with the collection of “all all all” adequate and close questions …. As a result, we see a typical instruction, but this is only the appearance behind which there is a textbook of unique knowledge and experience on the use of this most advanced and modern tool out of all existing ones.
Initially, I assumed that this would be a list of questions and answers, but:
1. not all questions are correctly published on the site, as well as incorrect and to answer them directly with open recommendations.
2. A simple set of “question and answer” is extremely difficult to make structural and convenient for perception and use.
3. the level of responsibility to the public, friends, good acquaintances did not allow it to be done not as qualitatively as possible, without taking into account all the nuances “from beginner to professional”.
So, as a result of collecting all the answers in one place, I began to lay them out into sections, chapters, bookshelves, etc. After that, work was done on correcting the text into words and expressions that everyone can understand so that everyone could understand the essence and nothing was missed.
I am asking you !!! Try to figure it out on your own; the absolute majority could do it. Please understand … even if I spend several hours of personal communication with you, I cannot tell you everything that is described in this tutorial.
I understand very well that most of us want to go the easy way “I paid the money and didn’t want to read anything”, but if this is so … then at some point I will not be able to do anything really useful .. I will not be able to develop new equipment do something really new or even just live .. and sometimes I want to be a simple person. Thank you and have a pleasant reading.


I. Preamble about the jammers in 2022 (required to be read). 

I don’t create devices for those who don’t have intelligence below the minimum. Over the years, I've worked with everyone from reckless teens to sly grandmas, and trust me, anyone with a bit of brainpower can master this.

Nobody else has bothered to lay it all out like I have, with this level of detail and instruction. So before we dive in, let me give you some backstory, a little history lesson for the newbies and a reminder for those who've forgotten where we came from.
Years ago, the first jammers were like something out of a spy movie, full of promise and potential. But as time went on, those early devices became about as sophisticated as a brick. Being the perfectionists that we are, my crew and I were obsessed with pushing the limits: better quality, sleeker designs, ease of use, and ultimate discretion - every little detail mattered.
We weren't about to settle for some second-rate junk. We hunted down the best tech from every corner of the globe. And you know what? Only two guys were making anything worthwhile: some dude in Germany and a guy out in Yaroslavl.
The "German" devices were ridiculously expensive, bulky, and about as subtle as a flashing neon sign. Even back then, I knew it was amateur hour, built by someone who didn't understand the game. Turns out, my gut was right. Years later, I found out the real tech genius behind it had sold out to the "German," who just slapped his name on it and jacked up the price.
The Yaroslavl guy, now he was the real deal. Always innovating, pushing boundaries. Shame he disappeared.
We've experimented with everything under the sun: "Danko" jammers crammed into cigarette packs, those ridiculous blinking "remote bombs" from Germany, clunky homemade contraptions... If it jammed a signal, we tried it.
The power of my devices today? Makes those early attempts look pathetic. But it's not just about raw power...
Years of trial and error, countless experiments, and thinking outside the box - that's what led me to create this next-level tech. What was once a pipe dream is now a reality. I hear it from my clients, the respect from the real pros – that's what keeps me going.
I reached a point where I had to take matters into my own hands. Experimenting, building, refining existing designs – I was driven to create the ultimate device. My family was counting on me, and I had to keep pushing, keep innovating. I aimed for the top, and now that my shoplifting days are over, this technology is in your hands.
My team and I have spent years refining every detail, and we nailed it. It took time, but we built something that no one else has, something we all dreamed of. Not too long ago, I would've paid any price to solve these technical challenges. Now, you have the solution.
But here's the thing... You still get these newbies, and even some veterans, clinging to outdated methods, too stubborn to see the light. They whine, "Why all these modes? Why not just one button – on and off?"
Listen up: this game is all about adapting. Different countries, different stores, different security systems – there's no such thing as a master key. That's why my devices have multiple modes, giving you the flexibility to handle any situation. Don't need all the options? Disable them. Easy.
I work closely with my clients, helping them customize their devices and constantly improving based on their feedback and the ever-changing security landscape. My team is made up of top-notch professionals – programmers, engineers, assemblers. We're basically a tech-savvy SWAT team, dedicated to making our devices the most effective and reliable on the market.
Why reinvent the wheel? Why not just grab a cheap jammer from AliExpress? Because the game's always changing. Security companies don't just sit around; they're constantly developing new tech, coming up with new ways to stop us. What worked yesterday might be useless today.

In the 15 years that jammers have been around, the security game has gone haywire. Dozens of new companies have popped up, each with their own algorithms and tricks. To beat them, you need deep knowledge and a solid understanding of the nuances.

Is it difficult to learn?
Not at all. It's way easier than you think.

A lot of newbies freak out about all the different security systems out there. "It's too complicated, man! How am I supposed to know what kind of system they got?"
Chill out, it's not rocket science. Think of it like this: you can tell the difference between a BMW and a Mercedes, right?

Sure, there are tons of security systems on the market, but each company has its own style, its own design quirks, its own telltale signs. Learn those, and you'll be able to spot them a mile away.
"But what if they hide the systems behind displays or decorations?"
Good point. But even then, there are always clues. Pay attention to the lights, the shape of the top or bottom of the gate, even the size. It's all intel.
Imagine having to tell the difference between Mercedes headlights and BMW headlights. You'd nail it, no problem. Same goes for security gates!
Those who say it's impossible are just making excuses. They're afraid to learn, afraid to step up their game. They'd rather stay stuck in the minor leagues.
Listen, if you're serious about this, you can figure anything out. And I'm here to help you do just that.

You wouldn't believe how many times I've heard, "It's too hard!" or "I'll never get the hang of this!"
Know what I think? That's just fear talking. Fear of putting in the work, fear of unlocking the potential to make serious cash in this game. They're holding themselves back, plain and simple.
Imagine if I built a super-jammer that could fry any security system with the push of a button. If everyone got their hands on that, stores wouldn't stand a chance! Security would be insane, and our lives would get a whole lot more difficult.

My goal isn't just to sell devices. It's to empower those who are driven, those who want to master this craft. I've walked this path, and I know that knowledge is the ultimate weapon.

That's why I've poured everything I know into this website: detailed instructions, in-depth videos, comparisons of different systems. It's all here, ready to turn you into a true professional.

Don't be afraid to learn, to experiment, to push your limits. That's how you achieve true mastery in this game.


Trust me, the world opens up when you start really seeing it, understanding its secrets. You'll notice things most people miss, and you'll use that knowledge to your advantage. I've seen it happen time and time again – people who doubted themselves transforming into true masters of the game. And I know you can do it too.

II. The Purpose of the Device:

Tests in order to identify current vulnerabilities of Acoustomagnetic anti-theft systems 58Khz frequency-based technology.


Main visual signs for AM type systems:

1. Soft deactivated label-stickers:

  • can be only plastic!!!;
  • sizes: size: 4 cm – length, 1 cm – breadth, 1-2 mm – height! – There are no other that exist for this system;
  • convex = volumetric;
  • the most often used style – white with a false barcode, but black and other colored can also be found;
  • inside the sensor there are two parallel solid metal strips of the same size which are and very vulnerable to bending and jam.

2. Plastic (Hard) non-deactivated TAG:
Only 2 types of constituents can be put inside the AM hard tags:

  • ferrite core with the condenser at its ends, very tightly coiled by the thin wire in a large number of turns;
  • two strips made of a special alloy, which are responsive to the electromagnetic system of the gates

a special visual distinctive feature:
all EAS tag(SuperTag) that open with a special hook, and which have a hole at the side edge of the end for hook detacher.

3. EAS Gates:

  • Any gate with the logo “SENSORMATIC”

a special visual distinctive feature all AM systems:
– only 2 crosspiece inside the frame which are offset toward the center to the RF systems, these beams are evenly spaced along the height of the frame.


! Only the most important and basic features of AM systems are listed.


The device is intended to be used by specialists and implies an understanding of the differences between Radio Frequency technology and other anti-theft systems (Acoustomagnetic and Electromagnetic).

A detailed description of different types of anti-theft systems is recommended to be studied on the websites of anti-theft companies and other specialised resources on the Internet using such websites as Google, information about the types of anti-theft systems is not prohibited to be distributed and published.

III. Concepts and Terminology.

Jammer, the Device – in the article, all this means the subject of the page.
Powerbank – it is a portable device for charging mobile phone or other electronics.
Battery, built-in battery – it is built-in PowerBank Lion rechargeable battery that we charge through the charging port of the PowerBank.
Vibration – this is the indication of the activity of the vibration motor inside the framework in which the Jammer is placed.
Standby mode, Waiting Mode, Sleeping mode – the mode in which the device is ready for the instant transition to the jamming mode, simplified – “OFF”.
Active mode – the mode in which the device produces electromagnetic signal radiation at the frequency of the anti-theft system according to certain algorithms, as a result of which the algorithms of the anti-theft system are violated, simplified – “ON”.
Lock mode (locked) – the mode of the Jammer in which it does not react to any pressing except the procedure of presses to Wake it up (unlock). The Powerbank screen is still available to work and will not stop indicating the charge level when you press the button, simplified – “COMPLETELY OFF”
Long press – pressing lasting from 0.5 sec to 1.5 sec, if less or more, pressing is not counted.
Click, short press – pressing lasting less than 0,5сек, if more, pressing is not counted.
Skip, pause between presses – no pressing from 0 sec to 0.3 sec, if less or more, “skip” is not counted.
Button – the button on the case of Powerbank serving in the ordinary life of Powerbank to check the level of charge of the built-in battery.
Indicator – device (field detector, checker, tester) with which, depending on its capabilities and configuration, you can: check the type (AM or RF) anti-theft system, cause a real anti-theft system alarm, check the activity of the signal from the Jammer.
Antenna – part of the AM Jammer responsible for the transmission of the signal to the surrounding space.
Indicator display – LED glow inside the detector-indicator at the time of receipt of the electromagnetic signal at a frequency similar to the detector.
False Alarm, Alarm – a sound and light reaction of the antitheft system caused by restarting mode of the program analysis, or about the definition of the anti-theft tags.
Antitheft EAS system – A EAS system made of one or more frames (racks, gates) which alerts the people by light and sound signalling that it found the anti-theft sensor (tag, magnet, alarm, badge, thing) somewhere near.
USB port –
USB plug –
USB cable –
Kindergarten – the place where you are taught to eat a puree with a spoon, not a palm.

IV. AM Jammer Control System

since 2015, our devices have received a PowerBank disguise and a control system through pressing a SINGLE button and receiving vibration responses to these clicks.


- previously, the device was turned on and off by a toggle switch and had only a light bulb, and this was annoying, since it was constantly required to look at the jammer and this action often attracted the attention of security that a store visitor was doing something strange and looking into his pocket.


The jammer has several modes of operation (tracks) that differ:
— power, algorithms, frequencies, pauses inside the signals, and some use all known types of jamming inside one jamming mode at once.

In total, we have left 10 of the most effective AM jamming modes after the final tests at the time of summer 2021, there is information about this in the last chapter of this manual.


Imagine instead of PowerBank and jammer control buttons, typical modern wireless headphones:
— headphones need to be turned on, off, there are 8 RF or 10 AM music tracks in "our headphones", you can switch between tracks, and also determine which track is playing now.
• turn on the music - touch the earphone twice, and to turn off one long touch (2-3 seconds);
• switch tracks back and forth - just like in real headphones, 2 touches turn on the next track, 3 touches the previous one;
• quickly return to the 1st track - 4 touches;
• to understand which track you are on now - just one touch and the headphones will tell you the track number by vibration.


Why can't you just have a SCREEN with numbers?
- since at the moment of the approaching to the gate and active actions, it may be necessary to quickly change the activity mode, and vibration is the best method of interaction inside your pocket or right in your hand, without distracting your gaze from the real situation.



To turn on the jammer, you just need to click the button 2 TIMES, as a result we get a double vibration = the jammer turned ON.
To turn off the device, you need ONE longer press (about 2 seconds), resulting in a long vibration = the jammer has turned OFF.

And to be sure that the jammer in your pocket continues to work, we have applied a vibration indication and ONCE every 6 (AM) or 9 (RF) seconds, the jammer vibrates in your pocket so that you can feel it.
If the battery charge drops to a certain low level, the vibration accelerates to 1 time in 3 seconds, and you feel that you will need to charge the device soon. BUT! Don't panic, you still have 15-20 minutes of use

We added these features in 2015 and they remain unchanged. 

Subsequently, an upgrade required the addition of several modes and we added the following simple functions to identify the modes of operation:
When the jammer is already on, you only need to press ONE time to know the mode number that is "coded" into the number and length of the vibration responses. (Like Morse code, but easier)

After 1 short press you will get 1 to 4 short vibrations or 1 to 6 slightly longer vibrations.
Originally there were only 8 modes, the response was from 1 to 8 short vibrations, but this proved too inconvenient and it was hard to count more than 5 modes, so we improved the system a bit: 


Mode №1. = 1 short vibration
Mode №2. = 2 short vibrations
Mode №3. = 3 short vibrations
Mode №4. = 4 short vibrations
Mode №5. = 1 LONG vibrations
Mode №6. = 2 LONG vibrations
Mode №7. = 3 LONG vibrations
Mode №8. = 4 LONG vibrations
Mode №9. = 5 LONG vibrations (AM only)
Mode №10. = 6 LONG vibrations (AM only)

As a result, a method of switching between modes had to be invented, and we chose the most intuitive way possible:
switch forward = 2 clicks
switch backward = 3 clicks
fast return to mode 1 = 4 clicks
Any of these actions are accompanied by a double vibration in the same way as when switching on, which means > ACTION done successfully.

Please reread this text and try it out in practice until you fully understand what is written. This is really important to you.

For your safety and long-term storage, so that no one accidentally turns on the device without your permission, the "lock and unlock" option has been implemented.
So that you can lock the device in an emergency and not confuse the number of taps, we made it happen with 5,6,7 quick taps.
Detailed instructions for unlocking on the first pages!


In total, there are 8 program commands in the stub control system:
1. Turn ON (Enable)
2. check current active mode
3. Turn ON (Enable) the following mode in order
4. Turn ON (Enable) previous mode in order
5. Fast return to mode №1
6. Turn off
7. Block
8. Unlock


Jammer control system overview:

- It is recommended to watch with headphones and in high quality;
- filmed vertically, because Most users watch on smartphones;

If you do not have knowledge of the English language, do not worry, we filled the video with the highest quality subtitles in English.
This means that you can enable the automatic translation of subtitles and they will be translated very high quality into any language of the world.



In the control scheme, the number of short taps is indicated with an underline, and the elongated taps are indicated by italics:


As a result of each correctly performed action you get a special vibration response from the Jammer, this instruction is made according to the scheme:

what has been done
= what is the result of the action
how is it manifested physically


When the device is not locked (in standby mode):

for ON:

2 short presses
= "ON" activate the last ACTIVE mode
2 short vibrations.

! battery charge indication during activity:

! BATTERY IS IN NORMAL CONDITION = 1 vibration every 6 seconds

! CHARGE REQUIRED = 1 vibration every 3 seconds


ONLY ACTIVE (ON) mode functions:

for OFF:

1 long press (during activity)
= "OFF" switch to standby mode
fading vibration.

for indication of the current mode number:

1 short click
= indication of the current mode number 
1-4 short vibration responses(showing which mode is one from 1 to 4)
1-6 long vibration responses(showing which mode is one from 5 to 10)
+ continuation of ACTIVE work without pauses in the current mode.

to switch to the next mode:

 2 short clicks 
= switch to +1 (next) mode
short vibration responses 
+ continuation of ACTIVE work on the next mode from the list. (after the mode №10, next chosen one is Mode №1)

to switch to the previous mode:

short clicks 
= switch to -1 (previous) mode
short vibration responses 
+ continuation of ACTIVE work on the previous mode from the list. (after the mode №1, next previous one is Mode №10)

to FAST switch to the mode №1:

4 short clicks 
= FAST switch to mode 1
short vibration responses 
+ continuation of ACTIVE work on the mode №1.


In any mode and state of the device, in addition to the already locked state:

5-7 short clicks
= completely block the jammer (in any state of the device)
increasing>fading vibration.


In the blocked state:

4 long presses
= unlock and immediately starts working in the last mode selected
► double short vibration

(warning! the devices are delivered in a locked mode, study the video instruction of unlocking carefully, I constantly have to explain about the “long press”, the duration of the skips and the duration of the presses themselves is important).

(Locking is not a method of turning the device on/off, if you have not read the instructions carefully and for a long time turned the device on with four long presses and turned off by 5-7 fast ones, then I will not be guilty that the button in the device would be destroyed 5 times faster).



1. Configuration:

• Powerbank.
• USB cable to charge the Powerbank from any USB.
• Set of indicators.
• A set of anti-theft tags.


2. Operating Time:

— in continuous turned-On mode – 60 minutes up to the level at which the jammer will use the rapid vibro-indication to inform about the need to charge the built-in battery.— in switching it On in the real rhythm of using 1-5 minutes for one switch-on, the usage time increases by an average of 30%, because when the battery is switched On continuously due to battery heating, the chemical processes inside the accumulator run faster and stop longer after turning it Off.


3. Amplitude:

— jammers are designed for individual use only without the purpose of overlapping another person who possibly carries anti-theft sensors. 90% of users are lone wolves, and by knowing this, in order to reduce the size of devices, reduce battery consumption, optimise electronics, we initially develop all the jammers to protect only the user of the device.

But! Read the instructions completely and you will find some tips on how to do it together.


— Anti-theft systems have different algorithms for signal processing, external data analysis, various electronics, and accordingly the jammer in different systems and different operating modes has a different amplitude, but never below the minimum one tested for the protection of the user device.

Special rules during the passage by the MONO-anti-theft-systems:

— Mono systems have within the same frame and the receiving antenna and the radiating antenna, so in most cases they have much more power than systems with two or more gates. In this case, the jammer must be closer to the frame, and the anti-theft tags should be on the other side of the body.

— the maximum effect is achieved with a parallel arrangement of the device relative to the plane of the gate, this is due to the coincidence of the directivity of the electromagnetic fields.


4. Operating Life of device:

— limited only by the need to replace the built-in battery as a result of wear and tear, if you don’t use the device intensively or use moderately, the operating life is at least 2 years (due to our tests).

— jammer’s electronics is put in completely shock-dust-moisture-proof capsule, the work-failure may only be caused by damaging the PowerBank system electronics or after short circuits.


1. Device charging:

From 10/2023, all information regarding device charging can be found herehttps://bombastershop.com/info/charger


2. Vibration Intensity Adjustment:

Jammers AM and RF, manufactured after 14/10/2022, as well as 2-in-1 jammers, manufactured after 20/05/2024, are equipped with a vibration intensity adjustment function.
This function allows for compensating for wear or physical changes in the vibration motors, ensuring stable indication of device operation.

The adjustment mode can be activated ONLY in the unlocked but off state "standby mode".

- 9 short clicks, after which constant vibration will be activated.
↘️to decrease intensity, press the button 1 time
↗️to increase intensity, press the button 2 times

to TURN OFF and return to "standby mode", a SINGLE prolonged (~2 seconds) press is required.

Important information about vibration motors:
Weakening of the vibration motor in our devices does not affect the quality of jammer operation. The vibration motor serves solely to indicate device operation and is powered by the built-in battery, not interacting with the antenna or any other important system in the jammer. 
If your device starts vibrating weakly, it may be due to natural wear of the vibration motors, which is acceptable. In such cases, we recommend using the vibration intensity adjustment function to compensate for the wear. 
If the vibration motor stops working at times, but the device remains active, try increasing the vibration intensity. This will help restore normal indication operation.
Thus, the new vibration intensity adjustment function allows you to maintain optimal device operation and compensate for vibration motor wear, ensuring reliable operation indication, and you can increase or decrease the vibration motor operation at your discretion.


3. Personal Safety:
1. there is administrative or criminal liability for keeping Jammers while visiting public places without a certificate of a licensed anti-theft company in some countries, if you forgot to take the documents with you follow the rules of personal safety:
- don’t advertise the appointment of the device;
- if you need to transfer the device to third parties, block it, there is a quick lock function for such cases;
- the Jammer is built into the Powerbank for easy use and for your personal safety;
- observe the compatibility of the jammer, mode of operation and anti-theft system that you are checking for vulnerability carefully.
2. We decline all responsibility for using the device for other purposes.


4. Warning! Not Recommended:
1. very fast passage through the anti-theft system, because the extremely fast energy flow from the Jammer can unpredictably affect the electronics of the anti-theft system causing a false alarm.
2. the approach to the anti-theft system from around the corner or from behind the wall, because the extremely fast energy flow from the Jammer can unpredictably affect the electronics of the anti-theft system causing a false alarm.
3. activate the jammer in the immediate vicinity (3 meters) of the anti-theft system, as extremely fast energy flow from the jammer can unpredictably affect the electronics of the anti-theft system causing a false alarm.
4.the cornerwise passage between the anti-theft frames, since anti-theft tags may be too close to the anti-theft frame, or the extremely fast energy flow from the jammer can unpredictably affect the electronics of the anti-theft system causing a false alarm.
5. to use the device at a critically low charge level when the internal Powerbank indicators stopped responding to pressing of a button. The jammer has the ability to use the built-in battery at a very low level, this is done in the case of need to leave the store even at extremely low levels of the battery.
6. not to use continuously the device for more than 15-20 minutes in order avoid overheating, despite the full protection of the device from thermal changes, so you will reduce the wear of the battery.
7. don’t leave the device in extreme temperature or climatic conditions, protect it from water, falls, impacts.
8. in consequence of the little study of the effect of the Jammer on electronic devices, we do not recommend using the device to people with pacemakers and other electronic elements interlinked with your health, but keep in mind that all types of anti-theft systems are not prohibited for being installed in public places, and the jammers have a ten times lower level of signal radiation.


5. Rules for Long-Term Keeping Without Use:
- it is desirable to keep the device in a locked mode, this method reduces the consumption in standby mode and reduces the likelihood of accidental activation by strangers.
- it is recommended to charge the Powerbank fully once a month, as the Powerbank electronics have a constant low power consumption.
- keep the device in a dry place.


6. Example of Using the AM-Jammer:

- to learn the instructions on this page “from the beginning to the end»;

- to read the description of jammers on the page devoted to AM jammers;

- to watch a video on managing the Jammer by the button;

- to make sure the built-in battery is charged;

- to make sure the Jammer is not locked -> (turn on and off);

- to switch the device into the active jamming state -> (double-click the button);

- to select the desired mode based on the model of the anti-theft system through which you want to pass -> (double-click switches in order forward modes, and triple-click switches modes back in order);

- if you have an AM tag, put it in a convenient place to check the effectiveness of jamming;

- to pass in a quiet rhythm without sharp accelerations, because they can cause sharp changes in energy production from the Jammer;

- if you need a long stay inside the store transfer the Jammer into the standby mode -> (1 long press);

- ........ (in the hope of the presence of the reader’s intelligence).


Warning! Before shipping, the jammer is always switched to "locked" mode (if the device is delivered to you discharged, charge it using a standard phone charger with a MicroUSB or TypeC USBconnector). 
After receiving the package, you will need to "unlock" the jammer using the instructions.
Upon unlocking, the jammer will immediately give you a double vibration response, letting you know that the jammer has been activated in the last ACTIVE mode (if mode №2 was enabled at the moment of locking, after unlocking, the jammer will automatically operate from this mode).


To reduce the number of incorrect attempts, I ask you to carefully watch the video and understand that one of the most important aspects is the duration of the presses and the intervals between them.

VII. Additional Information about Using AM Jammers.

The practice of using the Jammer in the case of passing together and more:
a) If you and your partner are moving towards each other in order to pass through the anti-theft system at the same time, it is recommended: the person who carries the Jammer should approach the gates a little earlier than the person who carries the anti-theft tag, as the gate needs time to go to the stage of disabling the analysis program. For quite a short time the anti-theft system after the impact on them by the Jammer returns its normal condition, this means that if you go in the same direction with the person who carries the anti-theft sensors, it is better if he goes behind you at a distance of no more than a meter.

b) If you want to stand next to the gates it would be perfect if you stand close to the gates, as practice has shown it does not cause any suspicion, in the process of testing we did incredible crazy test experiments.

A little bit of social engineering... Basing on my personal experience and practical testing of the jammers in the most secure shopping centres, I can tell you the following:
at the beginning of using the new device in your hands, you are likely to behave unnaturally, as you will feel that you are somehow attracting any special attention of staff or security. I hasten to please you, the security and staff are mostly low-intelligent people who do not attach special importance to their duties, and so they can see the device with their eyes or even see the fact of theft and do not understand what is happening, because there are the most template methods of thinking in the heads of these people. And also these people like ordinary people are constantly thinking about their personal Affairs, about what a gorgeous ass that cashier has, and that cashier thinks about has the seller, that is staring at her, below the belt, and the seller thinks about how much he wants to go to the toilet. Stand in the place of your opponent and realise how pathetic he is.

I personally and many of my loved ones have been with this device to a lot of places and nowhere we have caused additional suspicions, the easier you feel among them, the less you are visible to them.

AM, RF, or 2-in-1 jammers produced after 09/02/2022 have an option:

"GATE SIGNAL IMITATION" to check for the presence of the "3alarm" protection system inside the sensor (read more in the article about differences between AMRF anti-theft systems). In short:
- some of the tags are equipped with complex electronics with a speaker that constantly "listens" for the gate signal nearby; if it detects one, the tag will trigger an alarm on its own.

Read more about this type of tags here:

Activating this mode is possible ONLY in the unlocked but turned-off state "standby mode".

- Hold the button from 3 to 6 seconds, release the button and if the action is successful, the device will start to vibrate once per second...
- Bring the device close to the anti-theft tag you would like to check, and if this tag has a "3alarm" gate signal response system, the tag will activate the alarm just as if you had carried the tag through the gates!

TO TURN OFF and return to "standby mode", ANY press of the button will suffice!


VIII. Depicting the Types of AM Systems in Order to Choose The Proper Mode:
ATTENTION: The CURRENT list of modes for the AM jammer from March 2021 to the present can be found here:

Albums for AM Anti-Theft Systems:


!!! 6-SIX modes version was produced from autumn 2018 to autumn 2020
!!! 9-NINE modes version was produced from autumn 2020 to March 2021

!!! but VERY useful for general understanding !!!
OLD !6-modes version

The ACTIVITY modes of the AM jammer are installed in the device in the chronological order of their development and improvement. The list of modes includes only the best ones over the whole existence of AM Jammers for AM EAS systems since 2010:


- MODE №1:


– the oldest and simplest method of jamming that fills the entire frequency of AM anti-theft systems. The most modern anti-theft AM systems are protected from this method of jamming (standard AntiJammer), but it is still quite effective as the real percentage of protected systems is still very poor. 
- Compatible with Gateway AM


- MODE №2:


– a smart mode to bypass the primary AntiJammer from the company Sensormatic, invented in 2012 and was relevant until 2014.
* A similar (partially similar) mode with a less qualitative signal and amplitude is used by the manufacturer “the German” in the case with three bright LEDs, and a toggle switch.


- MODE №3:


– improved smart mode to bypass the primary AntiJammer from the company Sensormatic, invented in 2014, was relevant until 2016.


- MODE №4:


– developed in 2017 and improved in 2018, a special mode for the systems CROSSPOINT AM.
* The manufacturers of these systems still state that they are protected from jammers and are actually defeated only by our team.


- MODE №5:


– developed in 2017 and improved in 2018, a special mode for the systems Sensormatic, DetexLine MAGNUM and AM systems of all other manufacturers.
* also copes with not updated to the latest software version of the Sensormatic Synergy gates.

MODE №6:

– a completely new mode developed in July 2018 to demonstrate our capabilities to crack the most modern Sensormatic systems protecting from the jammers. The protection system was developed in 2017, specifically for the new Synergy gates.
* This system of protection is declared as invincible and impossible to be overcome by any of the most intelligent Jammers.
At the moment Mode №6 is not claimed as a 100% working over this system, but it is a demonstration of the company’s unfounded promises, this system is partially defeated by our team for several hours of active work near the gates without the possibility of connecting to them and analysing what is happening inside the gate. The mode will be finalised if we get a financial opportunity to purchase this system in the 5-gates bundle, and this is about $ 11,000. If we can raise this sum of money, we will definitively defeat this Synergy system of protection. 



We hope and rely on your support, as each purchased device helps to save money and invest in more and more intelligent developments and then expand our capabilities to find vulnerabilities.


At the moment, the AM jammer of the latest version has been tested in the European capitals and objectively modern shopping centres in Europe; the best mode is №1,3,10.
Attention!!! for CROSSPOINT AM and Gateway AM systems the special mode №4 and only this one is required.


If you see an unidentified system excluding CROSSPOINT AM and Gateway AM, turn on Mode №1 and go inside the store. If an alarm occurs while approaching the store, then switch to Mode №1 or №6 and try to come to the gates again or stand near the gateway checking the remote reaction.
If there is no alarm at the entrance to the store, you can safely leave the store carrying AM anti-theft sensors.


Since in different countries (if you read the very beginning) there are different manufacturers on the market of anti-theft systems, we ask you to inform us about these gates directly with photos by any means (messengers, social networks, email), and if I’m online (and I’m there almost always), I will immediately recommend you which mode to choose, or how best to determine which mode is more suitable for this system.
Identified and defeated AM gate is not less than 95% of the gate across the planet. Your device, with a certain effort to remember the appearance of the gate, will not be on the shelf without work.


X. Example of the FIRST EXIT with a jammer into stores (in more detail):



For a real test, you will need hard AM or RF tags, without the tags, the training is pointless.

- unlock the jammer or both jammers;
- check the battery;

- when approaching the object of your interest, do not rush, first you need to determine whether it is an AM or RF system.

Next, based on the photos viewed, try to identify the model of this system by paying attention to shapes, lights, sizes. A little earlier or a little later, have no doubt you will learn these 50 gate models:

RF system albums:


AM system albums:


Determine the type and model, activate one of the recommended modes and enter the store, after walking 4-5 meters exit the store, if no sound reactions occurred and you are sure that you correctly identified the TYPE of gates (AM or RF) you can proceed.

BUT! from the experience of consulting hundreds of users, I still recommend walking through a dozen similar places and only then start real actions.



If you see a completely NONAME system "typical smooth white board", or gates 100% covered with VOLUME advertising (without holes for lights, with the top closed):

!tip! you can slightly raise your phone to take a photo of the top of the gates for low ones or simply look over the top for high ones; believe me, no one will understand what you are doing even if they notice, take pictures as if you are photographing the store.

1. pay attention to the location of the lights;
2. check for any inscriptions and labels on gates;
3. determine the TYPE of the system by the hard tags or sticker-tags;
4. select the mode that will not trigger remote activations starting with the 1st (if there are no reactions at all, turn on the basic mode 1);
5. enter and exit the store with the tags and the jammer turned on.

If you can't quickly find a compatible mode using this method, send the photo to ME, I am always in touch and if I am not asleep you will get a response either instantly or within 10 minutes.

If you are initially unable to determine the type on your own, I will assist you with mode hints, but try to imagine if everyone will write to me at the slightest problem?
- i will not be able to keep up with everything, please understand, this is why all this ton of text, video, and photo material is there. But I will never refuse to help you.


If you don't have AM and RF tags and have no means to check the actual effectiveness of a jammer, there is a simple way:
- enter a store, take off the HARD tag you need (not the sticker), place it in a sock or in your shoe if you don't have socks, and calmly walk out of the store.

If the gate system is operational and the alarm triggers, stay calm and relaxed... Step one step away from the gate, raise your leg towards the gate, and if the alarm goes off again... With the words:
"- It's my shoes that I recently purchased", you will be able to leave without any extra suspicion. NO ONE WILL ASK YOU TO REMOVE YOUR SHOES OR CHECK THEM.

Now you know this straightforward method to acquire any number of tags you need.